Electropolishing, Passivation and Metal Surface Analytics Blog

How Do I Know If My Part Is Passive?

August 11, 2020
How Do I Know If My Part Is Passive?



Passivation is an acid-cleaning process designed to remove free iron from the surface of stainless steels. This process is an essential step in removing foreign matter from the surface of the metal and creating a chromium-rich layer that is resistant to corrosion. The process effectively prolongs the part’s lifespan. Passivation can be the differentiating factor between acceptable performance and untimely part breakdown.

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Electropolishing for 416 and 440c Grade Stainless Steel

August 3, 2020
Electopolishing provides optimal corrosion resistance for stainless steel 416 and 440c used for ball bearings, spindles, valves, surgical instruments

MD&M West 2020 | Electropolishing for Medical Design & Manufacturing

February 7, 2020
Join us at MD&M West 2020 to learn about electropolishing for the medical industry that provides safer, more durable metal parts for medical use

Electropolishing for Safer, More Cleanable Metal Parts

December 6, 2019
A bright finish is an aesthetic requirement for many products, but a surface that is pathogen resistant and easily cleaned can be a matter of life and death

Electropolishing Prevents Corrosion for Wire Products

November 20, 2019
Learn how Acme Wire Products relies on electropolishing to ensure their parts have a high-quality metal finish that is corrosion-resistant

Electropolishing Removes Heat Tint & Oxide Scale from Stainless Steel

February 26, 2016
Metal parts may develop heat tint and oxide scale during manufacturing, which can be eliminated with electropolishing as a final step

Your Desired Microfinish Is Easy with Precision Electropolishing

December 17, 2015
Looking to achieve a target roughness average (Ra) value? Electropolishing can greatly improve the precise microfinish of metal parts

Why Is Electropolishing Stainless Steel & Other Alloys Necessary?

September 3, 2015
Electropolishing can make a big difference in a metal part's longevity and cleanability, greatly enhancing the performance of stainless steel

Electropolishing for 300 & 400 Series Stainless Steel Alloys

September 2, 2015
Electropolishing can be used to remove burrs and surface imperfections from stainless steel as well as almost any metal alloy, unlike passivation

Increase Resistance to Stainless Steel Galling with Electropolishing

February 23, 2015
Eelectropolishing removes stray metal and reduces friction to prevent thread galling on aluminum and other susceptible metals
The Able Electropolishing Advantage

The Able Electropolishing Advantage

Learn how electropolishing promotes corrosion resistance, fatigue life improvement & pathogen resistance in our new video

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Electropolishing Before & After

Read our case studies to learn more about the electropolishing services we have provided across a wide range of industries

Read Our Case Studies


Looking for more learning resources? Here are a few more items such as techinical guides and white papers.