Electropolishing Prevents Corrosion for Wire Products | Able

Electropolishing Prevents Corrosion for Wire Products

November 20, 2019
Electropolishing Helps Wire Products Company Outshine the Competition

At Acme Wire Products, a company that provides custom wire frame products for food service manufacturers, laboratories and other OEMs, a high-quality metal finish is critical for both form and function.

Acme relies on electropolishing to ensure that its parts are smooth, corrosion-resistant, easily cleanable – and beautiful. A bright, shiny finish is a competitive necessity when you are supplying parts for the high-end food and laboratory equipment used by Acme’s clients.

Electropolishing is the finishing process of choice. When Acme was looking for an electropolishing partner 20 years ago, Able stepped forward with the right solutions for a wide range of intricate metal parts and baskets. Today, it’s a relationship built around collaboration and a shared commitment to first-rate client service.

“We consider Able Electropolishing to be key partners,” said Acme’s Regional Sales Manager, Martha Salazar. “They do great quality work, and because everything is customized, it’s very quality-focused.” 

Acme values strategic partners that share the company’s values and philosophy – which is client-centric and collaborative. With tight project turnarounds and custom designs, Acme has come to rely on the consistency, flexibility and rapid turn-around time that Able provides, which drives throughput to clients while maintaining the highest quality standards demanded by its clients.

“We pride ourselves on collaborating with our customers to ensure the design they come up with is manufactured properly and efficiently,” said Salazar. It’s the same spirit of collaboration Able employs in ensuring that its customers are consistently getting the best results. 

Electropolishing: eye-Catching Shine and a Cleaner, More Durable Part

From food service OEMs to laboratory and barbecue, Acme’s products are precise and high-end, leaving little room for error. Acme looks for vendors who work as an extension of the company, taking as much pride in the final product as they do. 

Electropolishing gives Acme’s products an incredible-looking shiny finish, but there’s a lot more at work than good looks:

  • Electropolishing creates a rust inhibiting surface, preventing oxidation of parts
  • Cosmetically appealing finish that removes dullness and weld marks is also more resistant to bacteria
  • Corrosion-resistant finish leaves parts more durable and less susceptible to failing
  • Safe, smooth surfaces yield make cleaning processes more effective

Automation and Consistency Drive Manufacturers to Able

In a competitive market, Acme relies on the fast turnaround times and consistency of Able’s processes. With nearly 20 years of partnership between the two businesses, Able is proud to have provided Acme with:

  • Expedited turnaround and consistent, repeatable results
  • Precise finishing on customized racks
  • Competitive pricing that allows Acme to keep its prices competitive
  • Increased throughput due to robotic automation for wire frame parts

“Automation contributes to the consistency and repeatability of Able’s results, while also driving down costs so clients can be more competitive,” said Pat Hayes, Vice President of Business Development at Able Electropolishing. “We’ve been reinvesting in new technology that allows us to really maximize the throughput time while maintaining quality – things that used to take eight hours now only take a few hours.”

That spirit of continually looking for a better and more cost-effective way of meeting customer demands is part of the philosophy that Able share with Acme and that has helped build the partnership over two decades.

“We always say that Able is like a big brother,” says Salazar. “We like how they handle communication, paperwork turnaround time, the finish… just the whole gamut. That’s why they’ve been such an integral part of our business.” 

To learn more about how our electropolishing solutions can be a part of helping your business, give us a call or click on the link below.

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The Able Electropolishing Advantage

The Able Electropolishing Advantage

Learn how electropolishing promotes corrosion resistance, fatigue life improvement & pathogen resistance in our new video

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Electropolishing Before & After

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